Protecting and Storing your Garden Furniture over Winter

As winter approaches, the question of how to protect and store garden furniture becomes increasingly important. Proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure your outdoor furniture’s longevity and aesthetic appeal. The harsh weather conditions during the colder months can cause significant damage, leading to unnecessary expenses and the premature deterioration of your garden furniture.

We cover essential cleaning and maintenance tips, specific care instructions for various materials, and the best storage solutions to keep your furniture safe from the elements. By following these steps, you can ensure that your garden furniture remains in excellent condition, ready to be enjoyed when the warmer weather returns.

Protecting and Storing your Garden Furniture over Winter - BE Furniture Sales

The Importance of Winter Protection

Protecting your garden furniture over the winter is essential to ensure its durability and appearance. Harsh weather conditions such as rain, snow, and frost can damage outdoor furniture, leading to various forms of damage that can shorten its lifespan and ruin its look.

Firstly, preventing damage from harsh weather conditions is paramount. Exposure to continuous moisture and fluctuating temperatures can cause materials to degrade quickly. For example, wooden furniture can warp or crack, metal furniture rust, and wicker or rattan weaken and break. By shielding your furniture from these elements, you can keep it in good condition for much longer.

Another critical reason to protect your garden furniture is to extend the lifespan of your investment. Quality outdoor furniture is often a significant financial investment; proper care ensures you get the most value from your purchase. Protecting your furniture through the winter can prevent costly repairs or the need for early replacement, allowing you to enjoy your pieces for many years.

Maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your garden furniture is equally important. Weathered and damaged furniture can detract from the beauty of your outdoor space. Proper protection helps preserve your furniture’s original colour, texture, and overall look, keeping your garden or patio inviting and stylish.

Common winter issues affecting garden furniture include moisture damage, rust and corrosion, mould and mildew growth. Moisture damage is a prevalent problem, as water can seep into cracks and crevices, causing materials to swell, warp, or rot. Rust and corrosion are significant concerns for metal furniture, where exposure to water and oxygen can lead to unsightly and damaging rust spots. Mould and mildew growth can occur on any material left damp for extended periods, leading to unpleasant odours and unattractiveness.

Prep for Your Garden Furniture

Proper cleaning and maintenance are crucial for preparing any garden furniture for winter. Start by choosing the right cleaners and tools for the job. Mild soapy water and a soft cloth or sponge are generally safe and effective for most materials. It’s essential to avoid abrasive cleaners and pressure washers, as these can damage the surface of your furniture. Abrasive products can scratch and wear down finishes, while pressure washers can strip paint and sealants and damage the material.

In addition to cleaning, implementing protective measures will help shield your furniture from the harsh winter elements. Weatherproof covers are one of the best ways to protect your garden furniture. These covers are designed to keep out moisture, dust, and dirt, significantly reducing the risk of damage. When selecting covers, make sure they are breathable to prevent mould and mildew buildup underneath.

Elevating your furniture off the ground is another effective protective measure. This helps to prevent water from pooling around the legs and base, which can lead to rot and rust. You can use bricks, wooden blocks, or special furniture risers to lift the pieces slightly off the ground. This simple step can make a significant difference in keeping your furniture dry and safe throughout the winter months.

Care Instructions by Furniture Type

  • Wooden Garden Furniture

Wooden garden furniture requires thorough cleaning to remove dirt, moss, and debris. Use warm, soapy water and a soft brush to scrub the surfaces, ensuring you reach all nooks and crannies. Avoid using pressure washers, which can strip the wood’s protective finish. After cleaning, allow the furniture to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

If the wood has faded, apply a colour restorer to restore its natural colour and protect it from the elements. Follow this with a coat of high-quality furniture oil or a water—and dirt-repellent hardwood shield. These treatments help preserve the wood and prevent moisture from penetrating.

When storing wooden furniture for winter, it is best to keep it in a dry, sheltered location, such as a garage or shed. If indoor storage is not possible, use weatherproof covers that allow air circulation to prevent mould and mildew growth. Elevate the furniture off the ground to avoid direct contact with wet surfaces.

  • Wicker Garden Furniture

For wicker garden furniture, begin by brushing off leaves and larger debris. Then, use a gentle cloth or soft scrubbing pads with warm, soapy water to clean the wicker thoroughly. Ensure you reach into the weave to remove all dirt and grime. Rinse well and let the furniture dry completely.

Once clean, apply a wicker protector to repel water and dirt. This step is crucial to maintaining the wicker’s integrity and prolonging its life.

Wicker furniture should be stored indoors to protect it from harsh winter weather. If indoor storage is not feasible, use high-quality covers designed for wicker furniture and place the pieces in a sheltered outdoor location.

  • Mesh Garden Furniture

Mesh garden furniture requires regular cleaning to prevent rust and maintain its appearance. Use a mild cleaner or washing-up liquid with a soft scrubbing pad or cloth to clean the mesh thoroughly. Rinse off all soap residue and dry the furniture thoroughly.

To add extra protection, apply a coat of car wax to the mesh surfaces. This creates a barrier against moisture and helps prevent rust.

Store mesh furniture in a dry location, such as a garage or shed, to protect it from winter weather. Cover the furniture with weatherproof covers if indoor storage is impossible and place it in a sheltered area.

  • Metal (Iron, Steel, Aluminium) Garden Furniture

Metal garden furniture, including iron, steel, and aluminium, needs special care to prevent rust and corrosion. Start by cleaning the furniture with soap and water, using a scrubbing brush or cloth to remove dirt and any beginning rust spots. Rinse thoroughly and dry completely.

Treat any rust spots on iron and steel furniture by sanding them and applying an epoxy filler. Follow up with a coat of primer and paint to seal the metal. Aluminium furniture should be cleaned with water and vinegar and then coated with car wax for extra protection.

If possible, store metal garden furniture indoors, where it will be best protected from moisture and temperature fluctuations. If indoor storage isn’t an option, use heavy-duty covers and ensure the furniture is in a sheltered outdoor area.

  • Plastic Garden Furniture

Plastic garden furniture is easy to clean and maintain. Wash the furniture with hot water, soap, or detergent using a soft cloth or sponge. For stubborn mildew or stains, a diluted bleach solution can be effective. Rinse thoroughly to remove all cleaning residues.

To enhance protection, apply a coat of car wax to the plastic surfaces. This helps to prevent fading and cracking caused by UV exposure and moisture.

Plastic furniture can be stored outdoors if necessary, but it’s best to cover it with weatherproof covers and place it in a sheltered location. If space allows, storing it in a garage or shed is ideal.

  • Resin and Rattan Furniture

Due to their woven nature, resin and rattan furniture require gentle cleaning. Start by vacuuming with a soft brush attachment to remove dust and dirt from the weave. Then, dry the furniture with a damp cloth to clean any remaining grime.

It is best to keep resin and rattan furniture indoors for winter storage. If this is impossible, ensure the furniture is covered with breathable, weatherproof covers and placed in a sheltered outdoor area. Elevate the furniture off the ground to prevent moisture damage.

Storing Your Garden Furniture

  • Indoor Storage

Storing garden furniture indoors is the most effective way to protect it from harsh winter weather. Placing your furniture in a garage or shed offers numerous benefits, including protection from moisture, temperature fluctuations, and potential damage from wind and snow. This controlled environment significantly reduces the risk of rust, mould, and other weather-related issues.

Keeping the area clean and dry is essential to ensuring your furniture remains in good condition while stored indoors. Before storing, thoroughly clean and dry each piece to prevent mould and mildew from developing during winter. Additionally, consider using pallets or shelves to keep the furniture off the floor, protecting it from potential dampness.

If space is limited, disassembling your furniture can help optimise storage efficiency. Many outdoor furniture pieces are designed to be quickly taken apart and reassembled, making storing them in a compact space easier. Ensure all screws and small parts are kept together in labelled bags to simplify reassembly in the spring.

  • Outdoor Storage

If indoor storage is not an option, properly storing your garden furniture outdoors is still possible with the proper precautions. Choosing suitable covers is crucial to protecting your furniture from the elements. Opt for weatherproof covers specifically designed for outdoor furniture. These covers should be breathable to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mould and mildew.

Another important step is securing the covers against wind and weather. Use ties, straps, or weights to keep the covers in place, ensuring they do not blow away or become dislodged during storms. Properly secured covers will provide consistent protection throughout the winter.

Finding the best-sheltered locations in your garden can also help minimise exposure to harsh weather. To shield your covered furniture from direct rain, snow, and wind, place it against a wall, under an overhang, or in another protected area. Elevating the furniture off the ground with bricks or pallets can further prevent moisture damage from wet surfaces.

Additional Tips for Winter Maintenance

  • Regular Checks and Inspections

Even after adequately storing your garden furniture, regular checks and inspections are essential to ensure it remains in good condition throughout the winter. Periodically inspect the covers and furniture for any wear, tear, or damage. Look for areas where water or snow may have accumulated and address these issues promptly to prevent long-term damage. Regular maintenance helps you catch and fix minor problems before they become significant issues, ensuring your furniture stays protected.

  • Cushions and Accessories

Cushions and accessories require special care to maintain their condition during winter. Clean all fabric items according to the manufacturer’s care instructions before storing them. This may involve machine washing removable covers or spot-cleaning with a damp sponge. Once clean, ensure the cushions and accessories are completely dry to prevent mould and mildew growth. Store them indoors in a dry, cool place like a closet or storage bin to protect them from the elements and pests.

  • Handling Heavy Furniture

Moving and storing large, heavy pieces of garden furniture can be challenging, but you can do it safely and efficiently with the proper techniques. Use furniture trolleys or dollies to move heavy items, reducing the risk of injury and damage to the furniture. When storing, place these large pieces in a way that maximises space and prevents tipping or collapsing. For added protection, cover heavy furniture with appropriate covers and ensure they are securely fastened to avoid wind and weather damage.


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